The British Columbia Aviation Council in cooperation with its Youth Engagement Committee is pleased to announce the launch of the 2020 mentorship program. The application window is now open and closes on July 17th, 2020. This is a six-month mentorship program that will begin on August 17th, 2020. The goal of the program is to […]
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More than $60K in scholarships awarded at BCAC 2019 Silver Wings Awards
The 2019 British Columbia Aviation Council’s Silver Wings Awards cocktail dinner-style event, held on October 24, recognized industry colleagues for specific achievements within the province’s aviation and aerospace industry. In addition to fine food, entertainment and a silent auction, the gala celebration included distribution of more than $60,000 in annual scholarships presented to students who […]

Youth take-off with training from aviation industry
A joint venture between the British Columbia Aviation Council (BCAC) and the Air Cadet League of Canada British Columbia Provincial Committee (BCPC) has resulted in a work experience program accredited by the BC Ministry of Education. This program will see youth completing 40 hours towards their High School Graduation Transition (HSGT) program in the aerospace […]