Ideas take flight at community open house

Flight Path Park, located at the end of Vancouver International Airport's South Runway, provides the perfect spot for plane spotting.

Flight Path Park, located at the end of Vancouver International Airport’s South Runway, provides the perfect spot for plane spotting.

Located at the end of South Runway off of Russ Baker Way, Flight Path Park is a favourite gathering place for Sea Island neighbours, plane-spotters, airport employees and visitors.  With this in mind, Vancouver Airport Authority is exploring ways to enhance this park site in 2013.

On February 2, 2013, the Airport Authority organized a community open house to gather ideas for park improvements from its neighbours.  To date, many great ideas have been supplied by email and during the open house. This feedback will help direct the Airport Authority as it develops concepts for Flight Path Park upgrades.

A second community open house is scheduled for Saturday, March 9 at The Spirit of Haida Gwaii: Jade Canoe sculpture to present the concepts designed in response to initial community ideas. Attendees will have the opportunity to provide feedback, which will help refine the final design. Construction is set to begin in late spring, with project completion expected by late fall.

The Airport Authority welcomes all feedback on this project, as well as ideas for a proposed park site at the east end of the North Runway.

Stay up-to-date with this project through the airport’s website at or provide feedback via email to